Central Water Commission is a premier Technical Organisation of India in the field of Water Resources and is presently functioning as an attached office of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India. The Commission is entrusted with the general responsibilities of initiating, coordinating and furthering in consultation of the State Governments concerned, schemes for control, conservation and utilisation of water resources throughout the country, for purpose of Flood Control, Irrigation, Navigation, Drinking Water Supply and Water Power Development. It also undertakes the investigations, construction and execution of any such schemes as required.
Central Water Commission CWC is headed by a Chairman, with the status of Ex-Officio Secretary to the Government of India. The work of the Commission is divided among 3 wings namely, Designs and Research (D&R) Wing, River Management (RM) Wing and Water Planning and Projects (WP&P) Wing. Each wing is placed under the charge of a full-time Member with the status of Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India and comprising of number of Organisations responsible for the disposal of tasks and duties falling within their assigned scope of functions.
A separate Human Resources Management Unit headed by a Chief Engineer, deals with Human Resources Management or Development, Financial Management, Training and Administrative matters of the CWC. National Water Academy located at Pune is responsible for training of Central and State in-service engineers and it functions directly under the guidance of Chairman. Altogether there are Nineteen organisations located at headquarters in New Delhi and thirteen organisations spread over various locations in India.
Core competence: Ground and river water data collection and analysis, Water Resources Dte, Water Management Dte, Water System Engg Dte, Remote Sensing Dte
Link to the website: http://www.cwc.nic.in/
Name of the main contact: Ravi Shanker
Position of the main contact: Director