Use Case 2: Tanker based water distribution network in Bengaluru
Challenges in Bengaluru:
- Water tankers are the most common water distribution system in rural areas due to a lack of pipe networks;
- However, lab reports show that water from water tankers is rarely fit for consumption.
Scope of the use case:
- The LOTUS solution for this use case includes a chlorine dosage unit and a software solution;
- The standalone tanker scheduling solution for demand and supply match will be demonstrated with a large number of Tanker system;
- The LOTUS project partners will demonstrate the LOTUS sensor along with an integrated scheduling solution for 10 trucks;
- One chlorine dosage will be installed in the tanker and another one at the borewell station.
Key aims for improving tanker-based water distribution:
- To install sensors in strategic location of the water distribution chain to ensure that water distributed from the tankers is drinkable;
- To have solar-powered, on-board disinfection, on the water tankers;
- To develop a low-cost integrated solution that will use less non-renewable energy and more solar powered, renewable energy.
How LOTUS will improve tanker-based water distribution:
- The LOTUS sensors will be integrated to monitor the quality of water at the purification unit and on the tankers;
- On the tankers, novel low-cost solar-powered water disinfection units will be installed, using the information provided by the sensors;
- The overall system will be monitored by a central unit, which is connected to the tankers and the customers.
Current developments:
- Identified sites and Water tanker operators for testing our sensors;
- Requirements for Mobile Application development have been shared with Suyati Technologies;
- Web and Mobile application development is in progress.
Outcomes of Use Case 2:
- The system will allow the guaranteed delivery of safe drinking water without further purification, making end point purification unnecessary;
- The tanker-based safe distribution of centrally treated water will be beneficial by providing safe and low-cost purified drinking water on the customers’ doorstep 24/7;
- The proposed solution is easily extendable to areas affected by floods each year.