One year after the start of the project, the LOTUS team is ready to run co-creation workshops. The co-creation workshops aim at presenting the potential of the LOTUS technology to the population (urban dwellers, farmers…) and adapting its future development to match their needs.

These workshops will take place in four different places and will address radically different situations:

  • In Guwahati city, sensors will be used to support the creation of a pipe network providing users with drinkable water 24/7;
  • In the surrounding of Guwahati, sensors, will be used to inform the population about the levels of pollution of the phreatic tables and enable them to adapt their water consumption to reduce health issues;
  • In Bengaluru, water sensors will be used to deliver clean water through tankers; and
  • In Jalgaon, sensors will be used to optimise irrigation water for farmers, by measuring in real-time the parameters of the water and automatically calculating the right amount of fertilizer to add.

In these co-creation workshops, the whole LOTUS solution will be challenged: from the parameters of the sensors, to the level of information needed, to the display of information. This will enable final users to fully participate in the design of the solution. Additional information about the socio-economic background of the participants and their needs in terms of water quality will be collected in order to build a robust business model.

Beyond the sensor development, these co-creation workshops will be analysed and iterated to improve innovation management methodologies maximising the social and economic impact of developed products.